In August 2013, Te Puni Kokiri released a Request for Proposal seeking to identify a non-Governmental organisation with knowledge, expertise and networks that could deliver Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency functions to build the capability of Pacific families across Aotearoa.

In March 2014, a change was signalled with the signing of the Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency contract between PMA and the New Zealand Government.

The establishment of Pasifika Futures Limited (PFL), as the Pacific Whānau Ora Commissioning Agency, was a historic point in time for Pacific communities in New Zealand. For the first time, as a collective group of Pacific communities, we were able to fully participate as Pacific people, to understand our challenges, design our solutions and create our future.

Our Strategy
Our Strategy supports Pacific Families to Shape a Better Future.
Download our
Strategy Document
Outcomes Framework
Our Whānau Ora Outcomes Framework enables us to support Prosperous Pacific Families.
Download our
Outcomes Framework
A better way of working with families
Our approach to change starts with the family at the centre and as the unit of change, so building family capabilities - builds child outcomes, it builds individual outcomes.

- Family centered approach
- Family driven
- Families set their own their path
Instead of starting with organisational or government goals our approach is family driven – so it is about meaningful goals and the aspirations of the families – which leads to meaningful change.