"Being able to evidence the success of OCA’s Whānau Ora approach, through a recent NZQA External Evaluation Review, was humbling and gratifying. It was great to have NZQA recognise and provide verbal endorsement of our wraparound services," said Kim Roe-Herewini, Academic Administration and Operations Coordinator for OCA.
OCA’s holistic approach of food support, tools for employment, and mentorship have been key in creating a safe, culturally appropriate environment that encourages learning and achievement.
"One graduate said without the qualification, motivation, and encouragement from OCA, he would not have thought of going into his own business."
At the heart of OCA’s success is its partnership with PFL. Whānau Ora funding has enabled the organisation to employ mentors who provide crucial support for students.
"We're able to employ Navigators who are onsite, allowing OCA to work with at-risk students referred by New Zealand Police, Oranga Tamariki, and other social service agencies. Having a mentor in the learning environment supports the course delivery by monitoring behavior, helping change mindsets, and offering encouragement."
OCA’s culturally tailored programs, built on strong relationships between mentors, students, and their families, continue to resonate deeply.
"Without question, the most common feedback from families and students is that they value the support from OCA. The high level of support provided by the mentors would not be possible without PFL," Roe-Herewini emphasised.
Looking ahead, OCA plans to expand its qualifications portfolio, including a foundation program for Pasifika NEETs (not in education, employment or training) and a Level 4 Health and Wellbeing qualification. These programs aim to equip students with skills that lead to sustainable employment while fostering resilience and wellbeing.
OCA remains committed to using education as a means of uplifting Pacific families and communities, driven by a partnership with PFL that continues to empower and inspire.
“The Pasifika Futures Whānau Ora funding is key to OCA’s model of education and approach to navigating barriers to success for Pasifika students.
"Our focus is to strengthen our relationships with the wider community, to work in collaboration to use education as a tool to provide opportunities and help support positive change."