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Tribute concert honours Tonga's Nightingale and Cultural Icon
Updates / Community , 15 May 24
In the heart of Māngere, a tribute concert unfolded, a homage to the melodies that wove through the soul of Tonga. They called her Tonga’s nightingale, Tu’imala Kaho, a luminary whose compositions danced between the realms of poetry and music, shaping the very essence of her island’s spirit. Presented by Fofo'anga South Auckland New Zealand Incorporated (FSANZI) and supported by Pasifika Futures (PFL), the concert was a tapestry woven with the threads of Tongan culture.

Raised in a family renowned for crafting traditional dances, Kaho's roots were entwined with the rhythms of her heritage. Under the tutelage of her elders, Kaho learned the art of Tongan song and dance. Honouring her legacy and impact, the concert paid tribute to her artistry, with the audience treated to a symphony of harmonious performances. 

PFL Partnerships Manager, Sione Feki, says it is important to preserve cultural heritage through community initiatives and events. 

"Culture is the heartbeat of our communities and PFL is pleased to be playing a part in strengthening community participation and connection through our support of local community initiatives. 

"The tribute concert was a beautiful display of Tongan culture and speaks to the power of culture to bind communities." 

The night was not just about honouring Tu’imala Kaho and celebrating her as a musician but it was an opportunity to embrace the very soul of Tonga, keeping its flame alight for generations yet to come.